Can a doctor divulge information about the patient that he has learnt during consultation?


eMediNexus    31 December 2022

As per Regulation 2.2 of the Code of Medical Ethics Regulations, a doctor should not divulge any information about the patient that he has come across during his consultation. The regulation states:


“2.2 Patience, Delicacy and Secrecy: Patience and delicacy should characterise the physician. Confidences concerning individual or domestic life entrusted by patients to a physician and defects in the disposition or character of patients observed during medical attendance should never be revealed unless their revelation  is required by the laws of the State. Sometimes, however, a physician must determine whether his duty to society requires him to employ knowledge, obtained through confidence as a physician, to protect a healthy person against a communicable disease to which he is about to be exposed. In such instance, the physician should act as he would wish another to act toward one of his own family in like circumstances.”

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